How did such a singular
man just happen to get a job working at one of the best sniping points in Dallas, through which the President's open car motorcade
just happened to pass? Why did this lone man just happen to have ties to violent, subversive groups like the Cuban revolutionaries,
the K.G.B. and F.B.I.? Wasn't it convenient that the future Mrs. Onassis was spared the anguish of a trial when Jack Ruby,
a dachshund-toting strip-club owner with long-standing ties to the Mafia, silenced Oswald the next day? And what was Richard
Nixon doing in Dallas the morning of November 22?
answers to these questions can be found in the report of the Warren Commission set up by President Johnson. The Warren
Report, completed in September 1964, is quite ordered and readable for a government document summarizing such a event.
The report makes it clear that Oswald did indeed commit the murder alone, out of misguided communist ideals and perverse desire
to achieve fame in the only way he could imagine. It's only when one looks into the 26 volumes of evidence taken to research
the one-volume report, as well as evidence and leads that were ignored, that problems with the commission's view arise. Examining
the evidence the Warren Report is based upon leads to the conclusion that, at best, the Commission took great liberties in
smoothing over contradictions in the information and failed to follow up on evidence suggesting that Oswald had help. Famous
defects in the Warren report include the Commission's gloss-over of the shots most witnesses reported hearing from in front
of the motorcade as echoes, and that according to the Report, one of Oswald's bullets must have caused seven wounds to Kennedy
and Gov. John Connally before being found as good as new on Connally's hospital stretcher. A few more obscure examples follow: